La Gonave, Haiti

In 2010 a devastating earthquake quake hit Haiti We brought a medical team to serve in the wreckage, attending the injured under tents. From this experience we were inspired to continue this work in the most unreachable areas of Haiti. This would be the island of La Gonave.

But we were faced with the fact that although we could do good while we were there, the work and ministry would stop as soon as we left. Enter CHE, Community Health Evangelism, a wholistic teaching tool that is not dependent on our continued presence but on the efforts and ownership of the community. They identify their needs, and their resources by which to meet their needs. We are the initial educators and cheerleaders, teaching the community leaders to be teachers and health educators. When we are gone the ministry continues, not in just the 10 communities envisioned but in over 50 communities.

The results have been clean water and hygiene projects, eliminating cholera and other diseases that have saved lives and opened doors to spiritual growth and acceptance of Christ as Savior to the thousands. Our vision is to continue this work until the entire island has been offered this opportunity.


Kampong Cham, Cambodia